I understand ActivePure® Technology is powerful, effectively destroying bacteria, viruses and pathogens, but is it safe enough for newborn babies and pets?


Yes, the Air Scrubber Advanced with ActivePure® Technology is safe for everyone including newborn babies and pets.


Could this Technology be dangerous or cause any long-term side effects?


No, ActivePure® Technology is not dangerous. Our products are specifically engineered to purify indoor living environments. Long-term side effects of living in cleaner spaces and being protected from exposure to harmful contaminants should be beneficial. In fact, our customers have reported many life- changing benefits including improved health, productivity, and well-being.


Is it possible for indoor air to be too pure?


No. Based on air leakage within all homes and general daily traffic, you cannot obtain too pure of an indoor environment.


According to EPA guidelines what is a safe indoor air particle count?


The particle count reading should be less than 1 μg/m³ in order to meet EPA guidelines, which is virtually impossible to achieve outside of a clean room. Our ActivePure® Technology will get you close.


I like to open my windows when it is nice outside. What effect will this have on the air quality in my home?


Open windows promote the passage of outside contaminants into your home, compromising the level of air quality and purification the Air Scrubber Advanced works to create and maintain. It is recommended to turn off the HVAC system while windows are left open.


How effective is the Air Scrubber Advanced’s ActivePure® Technology in larger buildings? My home is quite spacious. Do I need more than one unit installed in various locations?


This unit covers up to 3,000 sq. ft. If you have separate A/C systems operating throughout your home, each additional system will require its own unit.

Quick Facts